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Introducing the Autofac integration for Service Fabric

11 min read


The dependency injection support in Service Fabric allows you to provide instances for reliable actors, stateful services, and stateless services. Instead of providing a conforming container abstraction the Service Fabric team opted to use a factory based mechanism instead. Factory methods for creating service instances are registered with the runtime via the ActorRuntime.RegisterActorAsync and ServiceRuntime.RegisterServiceAsync methods.

Having these creation hooks keeps things simple and flexible, but unfortunately when it comes to releasing your services, things get a little bit awkward. The kind of clean up operations that you would normally do in a Dispose call are instead performed by overriding methods from the service base classes; for actors the OnDeactivateAsync method, and for stateful and stateless services the OnCloseAsync or OnAbort method. It would be much cleaner if there was a corresponding release hook for the creation hook. In other words, allow the thing that was responsible for creating a service instance to be responsible for disposing it when it is no longer needed. I’m sure these virtual clean up methods existed prior to the introduction of the factory hooks so the team’s hands were somewhat tied in that regard.

Perhaps the most useful feature a DI container provides is the lifetime management of your components. Having the container track the references to your disposable components and release them at the appropriate time allows you keep the coupling between your components to a minimum. This management of component lifetime is achieved in Autofac through the concept of lifetime scopes. What we want to achieve in the Service Fabric integration is for the service to be created within a lifetime scope so that disposal tracking and instance sharing is available to it and the objects in its dependency graph. To make this work with the virtual methods on the service instance that the Service Fabric runtime calls for clean up required a bit of magic on the part of the integration. From the outside though, everything looks nice and simple, so let’s first look at how the integration is configured and cover the implementation details afterwards.

Getting Started

The first step is to install the Autofac.ServiceFabric package into your service project and create a ContainerBuilder to register your services in the regular manner.

// Start with the trusty old container builder.
var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

// Register any regular dependencies.
builder.Register(c => new Logger()).As<ILogger>();

Next call the RegisterServiceFabricSupport extension method on the ContainerBuilder to register some internal Autofac types that will automatically provide the appropriate factory functions to the Service Fabric runtime, and help solve the problem of not having a release hook for a lifetime scope to be disposed.

// Register the Autofac magic for Service Fabric support.

To register a reliable actor service you call the RegisterActor method and provide the concrete type of the actor class. There is no need to call the ActorRuntime.RegisterActorAsync method as this will be done for you when the container is built.

// Register the actor service.

Registering stateful and stateless services is very similar except the RegisterStatefulService and RegisterStatelessService methods require the service type name. This is the same service type name you would have previously provided directly to the ServiceRuntime.RegisterServiceAsync method. Again, there is no need to for you to call this method directly yourself.

// Register the stateful service.

// Register the stateless service.

The type provided to these methods is the concrete implementation type, no different to what you would have already been providing to the ActorRuntime.RegisterActorAsync and ServiceRuntime.RegisterServiceAsync methods. As the integration will make use of these same methods it too requires the concrete implementation type when registering Service Fabric services.

Having registered all your services, build the container, and continue into the regular entry point program code. A complete static void Main for an actor service might look something like this.

private static void Main()
        var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

        builder.RegisterModule(new MyModule());

        using (builder.Build())
    catch (Exception e)

If you would like to perform some clean up independent of the virtual deactivation method being called on your service instance, you may implement IDisposable and perform it in the Dispose method. Because the service instance is being resolved from an Autofac lifetime scope, disposal tracking is available to the instance and all of the dependencies in its object graph.

Finally, we need to make sure that the service types can be dynamically proxied. This means that the service types cannot be marked as sealed and must be visible to the DynamicProxyGenAssembly2 assembly created by the Castle DynamicProxy library (part of the integration magic). The code generated services produced by the default Visual Studio templates will mark service classes internal, and for stateful and stateless services sealed as well. If you would like to keep the access modifier on your service as internal instead of public, you can add the InternalsVisibleToAttribute to your assembly instead, but the sealed modifier must still be removed.

[assembly: InternalsVisibleTo(InternalsVisible.ToDynamicProxyGenAssembly2)]

Read on if you are interested in the details on how this all fits together, or if you want to see a more complete demo application, clone the Examples repository and open the src\ServiceFabricDemo\AutofacServiceFabricDemo.sln solution. This is a Visual Studio 2017 solution built with version 2.4.164 of the Service Fabric SDK (and will likely be upgraded to 2.5.216 soon).

Implementation Details

Because there are no explicit release hooks available in the Service Fabric runtime the virtual methods being called on the implementation class are the only indication that a service instance is being deactivated. To know when then those virtual methods are called we could have the implementation code call out to something, but given that is a rather brute-force and invasive approach, the entire service is dynamically proxied and the virtual method calls are intercepted instead. The integration takes a dependency on the Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy package, which provides these dynamic proxying and interception capabilities to the Autofac container, by building upon the awesome Castle DynamicProxy library mentioned earlier.

Now that we know that dynamic proxying is at the heart of the integration, let’s start from the beginning and see exactly what is going on. The following code will focus primarily on reliable actor services but the concept is the same for stateful and stateless services. You can always look at the Autofac.ServiceFabric repository to get the complete picture if you’re interested.

When you call the RegisterServiceFabricSupport method an internal module is registered with the container. This registers some DynamicProxy interceptors and some factory registration abstractions. We will cover these in more detail shortly as the core of the integration logic is contained within these types.

internal sealed class ServiceFabricModule : Module
    protected override void Load(ContainerBuilder builder)





The RegisterActor, RegisterStatefulService, and RegisterStatelessService registration extension methods are the single point for configuring the different kinds of Service Fabric services. These are generic methods and have type constraints to ensure that a type with the appropriate base class is provided for registration. Regardless of which registration method is called, the service type will be checked to ensure it is non-sealed and can be dynamically proxied. If this condition is not met, a useful exception message is thrown detailing what is required, and how to optionally add the InternalsVisibleToAttribute.

public static void RegisterActor<TActor>(this ContainerBuilder builder) where TActor : ActorBase
    if (builder == null)
        throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(builder));

    var actorType = typeof(TActor);

    if (!actorType.CanBeProxied())
        throw new ArgumentException(actorType.GetInvalidProxyTypeErrorMessage());

    builder.RegisterServiceWithInterception<TActor, ActorInterceptor>();

    builder.RegisterBuildCallback(c => c.Resolve<IActorFactoryRegistration>().RegisterActorFactory<TActor>(c));

If the type passes validation it will be registered with the container via the RegisterServiceWithInterception internal extension method.

internal static void RegisterServiceWithInterception<TService, TInterceptor>(this ContainerBuilder builder)
    where TService : class
    where TInterceptor : IInterceptor

The registration for the Service Fabric service is configured with InstancePerLifetimeScope which as you will see shortly is an important detail. In addition the registration has class interception enabled with the interceptor to use defined explicitly.

After the registration is made a callback is provided to the ContainerBuilder so that a factory method can be provided to the Service Fabric runtime once the container is built.

builder.RegisterBuildCallback(c => c.Resolve<IActorFactoryRegistration>().RegisterActorFactory(actorType, c));

Because we need to start a new lifetime scope to resolve the Service Fabric services from we need access to the actual IContainer instance, or more specifically an instance of ILifetimeScope, an interface that IContainer happens to implement. This obviously isn’t available while configuring the container as it has not yet been built. Support for callbacks on container build is a new feature added to Autofac 4.5 to support scenarios such as this. Without it a second registration call would be needed after the container was built and that just felt a little too weird.

To avoid a direct dependency on the Service Fabric runtime the callbacks use a level of indirection provided by factory registration classes. Their purpose is to allow the ActorRuntime.RegisterActorAsync and ServiceRuntime.RegisterServiceAsync calls to be mocked for testing as these methods require the Service Fabric runtime to be available.

internal sealed class ActorFactoryRegistration : IActorFactoryRegistration
    public void RegisterActorFactory<TActor>(ILifetimeScope container) where TActor : ActorBase
        ActorRuntime.RegisterActorAsync<TActor>((context, actorTypeInfo) =>
            return new ActorService(context, actorTypeInfo, (actorService, actorId) =>
                var lifetimeScope = container.BeginLifetimeScope();
                var actor = lifetimeScope.Resolve<TActor>(
                return actor;

Notice in the call to ActorRuntime.RegisterActorAsync that a new lifetime scope is being created to resolve the service instance from via the container.BeginLifetimeScope method call. The BeginLifetimeScope method is only available on instances of ILifetimeScope, and as mentioned previously, that is the reason we need the callback to invoke RegisterActorFactory after the container has been constructed.

Another interesting point to note is that it seems that the nested lifetime scope appears to have been left dangling with nothing obvious holding a reference to it for later disposal. I mentioned earlier that it was important that the Service Fabric service was registered as InstancePerLifetimeScope, and this combined with the fact that the ActorInterceptor is also registered as InstancePerLifetimeScope in the ServiceFabricModule, is key to how the lifetime scope is tracked and later disposed.

If we look at the ActorInterceptor implementation we can see the constructor accepts a parameter of type ILifetimeScope.

internal sealed class ActorInterceptor : IInterceptor
    private readonly ILifetimeScope _lifetimeScope;

    public ActorInterceptor(ILifetimeScope lifetimeScope)
        _lifetimeScope = lifetimeScope;

    public void Intercept(IInvocation invocation)

        if (invocation.Method.Name == "OnDeactivateAsync")

This ILifetimeScope will be the same instance as the one created in the lambda expression provided to the ActorRuntime.RegisterActorAsync method in the ActorFactoryRegistration class. The interceptor can now hold onto this ILifetimeScope instance and monitor the methods being called on the service implementation class. If one of the deactivation trigger methods is called, such as OnDeactivateAsync in the case of actor services, the interceptor can dispose the lifetime scope after the call has been made. At this point the Service Fabric runtime has finished with the service instance, and when the lifetime scope is disposed any disposable instances tracked by it will in turn be disposed, including the actual service implementation itself if it implements IDisposable.

The end result is that we have an Autofac lifetime scope wrapped around the lifetime of the Service Fabric service, so we get all the disposal tracking and instance sharing capabilities that we have come to enjoy from the use of a container that supports lifetime scoping. It took a bit of creativity to make this happen, but from the perspective of the consumer of the integration, you call a few registration methods on the ContainerBuilder while bootstrapping your service, and the rest is taken care of for you.

Current Status

At the time of writing the current Autofac.ServiceFabric package is at version 1.0.0-alpha3. While it is a pre-release package it has already been successfully deployed into production on Azure. I have left the package at alpha to leave room for incorporating feedback from the wider community before considering the release stable and minimising further changes. I’m hoping that in the future Microsoft will provide the missing duality in their service factory implementation, and introduce a release mechanism to accompany the existing creation mechanism. If that happens I will be able to remove a considerable amount of complexity from the integration, and it will be as simple on the inside as it appears from the outside. Thanks to John Kattenhorn for helping me test the early iterations of the integration and for providing valuable feedback. Please check out the integration and demo application and raise any suggestions or issues on the GitHub repository.
