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We Have Ignition!

1 min read

It’s taken longer than it should but I’ve finally got around to setting up a blog for myself. Because I find it simple and extensible, I decided to run the blog using the ASP.NET based BlogEngine.NET. The project is run by Mads Kristensen, and he and the team are very active in bringing new features to BlogEngine.NET.

My theme is based mostly on the Standard theme that comes with BlogEngine.NET, along with some nice touches from the Business theme that was created for DasBlog by Christoph De Baene. Keeping my theme close to the Standard theme should make it much easier for me to merge in new theme related changes. I can always find the differences between versions of the Standard theme and merge them into my own.

I’m using the VistaDB Express data provider for storing my blog data as I don’t want to pay the premium for a SQL Server database, and I would prefer to keep my data in a relational database rather than in XML files.

Hopefully this is the first post of many more to come.
